Financial Benchmarking
Benchmarking is the process of comparing our school’s spending with similar schools and schools with similar challenges. It allows our school to look at spend in different areas such as staffing, supplies and services, buildings and land.
Benchmarking helps us to consider how to use our resources to support high-quality teaching and the best education outcomes for our pupils. It can help our school to consider whether:
- our resource allocations are working for us;
- how we can improve outcomes by doing things differently.
Benchmarking is only a guide for schools and we have to consider local knowledge about our school when assessing the data.
Please see Benchmarking Information for High Meadow Community School on the Government website
The Governing Body is required to publish on its website the number of employees whose benefits (excluding employer pension costs) exceed £100,000.00
There are no employees of High Meadow with an annual salary in excess of £100,000.00